Check Our Work

When PDW approached us, their website was confusing and lackluster and did not showcase their unique brand and phenomenal products in the manner they deserved.
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Never heard of Manuka honey? It’s an amazing gift from nature that can support your immune system, encourage digestive health, and be used topically to treat acne, wounds, and even ear infections!
When we first met the Bees & Trees team, they were totally reliant on in-store/retail sales with few online customers. With an outdated website and little to no digital marketing strategy in place, they hired us to transform their web presence and grow their online revenue.
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Since 2005, Ekso Bionics has used exoskeleton technology to enhance natural abilities and improve quality of life. They are the leading exoskeleton company to offer technologies that help those with paralysis to stand up and walk, enhance worker capabilities globally, and provide research for the advancement of R&D projects intended to benefit U.S. defense capabilities.
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New Yorker Bagels is the world’s largest baker of fresh-baked bagels. If you’ve ever eaten a bagel in New York City, chances are you’ve enjoyed a New Yorker bagel. We helped bring New Yorker bagels direct-to-consumer so that they can be enjoyed with overnight shipping anywhere in the USA!
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Solstice Medicine Company approached SeedX looking to overhaul their website, last updated in 2003, and digitize their legacy business. We set out to begin growing their direct-to-consumer sales, bringing Traditional Chinese Medicine to diverse audiences across the US.
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AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, social welfare organization with a membership of nearly 38 million (1.8 in Pennsylvania) that helps the older generations turn their goals and dreams into real possibilities, strengthens communities and fights for the issues that matter most to families of older US citizens – such as health care, employment and income security, and protection from financial abuse.
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SeedX partnered with the Millennium Alliance, a national B2B advisory firm, to strategically enhance its marketing, website, and lead generation while focusing on overall growth.
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In collaboration with the American Marketing Association (AMA), the largest global marketing association, SeedX spearheaded a strategic overhaul to revamp the AMA’s digital analytics and marketing strategies. Data analytics is crucial for the AMA to understand member behavior, track campaign performance, and make informed decisions.
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NeuFit, a leader in direct current (DC) therapy, collaborates with SeedX to tackle significant digital marketing challenges. This partnership aims to unify NeuFit’s digital strategy, optimize its CRM system, revitalize its podcast, and enhance website operations, improving service delivery to its core users—physical therapists, chiropractors, and major sports teams.
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